Frequently Asked Questions

Is it more expensive because it is indoors?
The prices are comparable and in some cases less than other burial and memorial options.

Will my family only be able to visit at certain times?
Family members have a special key and can visit anytime between 9:00am—9:00pm 7 days a week.

Will I need to pay for upkeep and maintenance costs each year?
Your purchase is a one time cost. There is a perpetual care fund that will always be available for any maintenance and repairs.

Do I need to know what size of niche I need right now?
All niches are transferable. You can move urns to a new location and gather families together side by side over time. We also have family niches holding up to six urns.

What if I don't have an affiliation with any church?
The Columbarium is open to all people from all locations, with its own public access separate from the Cathedral.

Do I need to have my service at the Columbarium?
You may make any arrangements you wish. interment may take place the same day or at a later date.

Is my Niche secure?
The niche, whether glass fronted or granite, is sealed and secure. The Columbarium has a state of the art security system in place.


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